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Based Quotes - About

About Based Quotes

The Meaning Crisis

Where is the world going today? More than ever, people are struggling to find meaning in their lives. Amidst the failings of religion in modern times, many are seeking an alternate route for wisdom. Organized religion works well for some, but not all of us. For those of us who do not like being told what to believe, and like to form our own conclusions based on a combination of study and reason, there’s an alternative. The alternative is taking a philosophical approach to solve problems in both your own life, and in your local communities.

The Grasp of Tradition and Religion

Although many of us have gone the route of being agnostic or atheistic in the absence of a belief in religion, some still have a God-shaped hole in their psyche. This hole can be filled with different things that aren’t very helpful, such as politics, but ultimately, it’s a desire to feel grounded to reality in both your thoughts and your actions. It’s a process of study, inquiry, personal growth, and most importantly, action. While belief in God is in no way a bad thing, animating beliefs present themselves in various ways to different individuals. Ultimately, it is purpose that we crave. Following this purpose ourselves and helping those in our community uncover that purpose if they have not already, is a chief aim of this project.


Nietzsche predicted the nihilism epidemic that we’re seeing in the West today, and it’s an issue that we’re keenly aware of and concerned about. We’re not happy to see the fall of organized religion, or people’s ability to believe in animating life philosophies. It’s a tragedy, and we’re here to try to help those who are trying to swim in a world that’s increasingly turning into a cesspit of decadence.

Moving Forward

Blazing a new trail is the task for those of us who don't quite align with religious or political groups. We don’t fit perfectly into the box that our family, town, or society has thrust upon us, and we seek both wisdom and community with like-minded people. Rather than throwing traditional wisdom out with the bathwater and following embarassing progressive ideologies, we wish to both carry forward the best traditions and challenge grand narratives.

Our Goal

It’s simple. We want to help you learn about philosophy and apply it to your life, so you can live the life you’ve always dreamed of. Philosophy is only one tool in the box, but it’s a great place to start.

Our Service

We have a large database of quotes, philosophers and authors which aim to resonate with those who are pursuing philosophical wisdom, personal excellence and the vitality necessary to be successful in life. If you like Stoicism, Nietzsche, or Robert Greene, you will love our quotes.

We also provide book recommendations for your favorite philosophers and authors, leading to exciting new intellectual rabbit holes. Aside from our website, we are also cultivating a community of like-minded people on Discord.

We would love to help you on your philosophical journey!